Prometeme que cuando quieras recordarme , miraras el cielo azul y me recordaras ;

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Today I learned something new in life. I learned that it is very important to say what we feel, although the response is good or bad. I felt that it keeps coming, but when I told a stupid I felt. I'm afraid to say what I feel, is really not afraid to say what I feel, but I'm afraid what the other person can get me to say. I hate to fail at everything I do or what I propose. I am going wrong with my family, my friends and love best not to speak. From now on I will change, I will save most things, but the other person tell me that I am a stupid shit, or tell me what I am going to stand and I will not have more to fear anything. I do not want to pretend to be something more that I am not.

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